The VSOL-40 is Vega’s latest solar power solution. Utilising the most efficient design for solar power packs, the VSOL-40 has four panels on a 10º lean to capture the maximum… Leer Más

The VSOL-40 is Vega’s latest solar power solution. Utilising the most efficient design for solar power packs, the VSOL-40 has four panels on a 10º lean to capture the maximum… Leer Más
Battery enclosure with mechanical support SBE Battery enclosure with support is a robust solution developed for marine environments. The enclosure is produced of durable and corrosion resistant stainless steel (AISI 304). Battery… Leer Más
Battery enclosure with mechanical support SBE 86 Battery Enclosure with support is a lightweight solution developed for marine environment. The enclosure is made of hot moulded fibreglass reinforced polyester which is… Leer Más
Sunica Nickel Cadmium batteries for solar systems The Sunica Ni-Cd batteries are the first choise for solar system when performance in cold condition, long lifetime and and low life cycle cost is… Leer Más
Valve Regulated Lead Acid batteries for solar systems The Sonnenschein Solar battery range is very powerful and reliable in rough application conditions. The batteries are used in fixed and floating solar powered… Leer Más
Alkaline Primary Batteries Sabik range of alkaline buoy batteries have been developed to be used as a single power supply for a light signal on floating or fixed devices in marine environment.… Leer Más
Uninterruptible Power Supply Uninterruptible Power Supply installed together with lead batteries (gel, AGM or went) is a solution to give a back up for the lantern if the mains power fails.… Leer Más
Main Power Supplies Sabik´s power supplies are products specially designed to give a good protection for the lanterns. The range includes two different sizes 30 VA and 120 VA, both installed in… Leer Más
Photovoltaic Modules for Aids to Navigation These high performance solar modules are developed and optimized for off-grid photovoltaic systems. The modules have a proven record in hundreds of AtoN installations in from… Leer Más